Immune Health
Immune health has been on the forefront of many minds over the last few years. Before Covid, most people didn't think about their immune systems until they got sick.
This is really how our "health" care system works...WAIT until you're sick, then treat (no offense to some AMAZING doctors I know and love, but it's true). Around our house we call the "sick-care system". It's reactive rather than preventative.
But what if we PRE-TREATED disease and illness by strengthening our immune systems DAILY instead of waiting to get sick to do something about it?
Below are some interesting facts about the immune system:
The majority of our immune system is housed in our....GUT! The food we eat literally makes up our gut and in effect, our immune system. Unhealthy gut=lowered immunity
A vast majority of people who were put on a ventilator during the coronavirus pandemic had low levels of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is typically associated with bone and joint health, but it also has a huge impact on immune health. Vitamin D also helps to absorb calcium, so if your Vitamin D is low, you can bet that your calcium is also.
Most Americans (over 75%) have a FIBER deficiency. Fiber is fermented in our bodies by bacteria, which feeds short-chain-fatty-acids, which then strengthens to the lining in our gut. All of this is to say...if fiber is low, there's a good chance that your gut is not operating at optimum efficiency, leading to a weakened immune system.
Inflammation is a HUGE immune system destroyer. Inflammation literally means "ON FIRE", so if your immune system is on fire, it is not functioning properly. Inflammation can be caused by environmental stress (pollutants, chemicals, food, MAKEUP, etc.) and mental and emotional stress.
Practical tips for strengthening your immune system:
Eat more fiber! Women need a minimum of 25 grams of fiber per day and men need a minimum of 35 grams. Your homework today is to track your fiber intake. I'd love to know how much you're eating! Fiber builds resilience in your gut, strengthens cell walls, and prevents leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut is the root of numerous diseases and illness.
Get Vitamin D the natural way! You can get almost your full daily intake in 15 minutes of direct sunlight (no sunscreen). This sounds scary because of skin cancer and wrinkles, BUT upping your intake of other nutrients can actually counteract the effects of damaging rays (more on this topic at a later date).
Get fresh air. Breathing in stale, recycled air all day in our schools and offices is not beneficial for a healthy immune system.
Exercise! Combine the last 3 in a quick 20-minute walk each day!
Up your intake of fruits and veggies, especially raw! Raw vegetables and fruits are filled with antioxidants to combat free radicals in the environment. More fruits and veggies means more fiber also!
Laugh! Laughing actually does strengthen your immune system!
There is so much to know about the immune system that I cannot fit it all in to one post. The bottom line is that gut health should be a priority as it effects countless other organs and cellular function. Here is another resource for more information!
Podcast: The Darin Olien Show, "Solving the Mysteries of the Immune System", April 6, 2022.