Holistic Health

Working with you to discover natural pathways to find whole-body wellness.

Do you find yourself wishing you just felt like yourself again?

Everyone has a unique set of needs, especially when it comes to nutrition. Natural Path Nutrition will walk you through everything you need to know! Let Morgan guide you towards nourishing your body in ways that fit your lifestyle.

Initial intakes are Free!

During this 15 minute meeting, we will discuss your goals and decide if we’d like to work together.

Services & Packages:

Nutrition Consultations (initial consult, goal setting, accountability, meal planning, assessments)

Corporate Wellness

Executive Wellness Retreats

Detoxification Support

Speaking Engagements

12-week easy to follow program
Grocery Shopping Trips

*Not sure where to start? That’s ok! We will talk through all of my services and package offerings to find the right option for you.


My nutrition practice is unique. Together, we will focus not only on your current goals but also on your future ones. What will your life look like in 10, 15, 20 years? How will your choices now impact your health in the years to come?

Nutrition is no longer just about dieting. It involves healing through lifestyle, diet, sleep, stress, and education. As your nutritionist, I am happy to help you make the necessary changes so that you can live a longer, more fulfilling life. The goal is longevity - not just a long life, but a long and healthy life!

My services include consultations, nutrition and hormone assessments, physical fitness assessments and personal training, meal planning, grocery shopping trips, pantry cleanouts, accountability, and education programs. I’d love to speak with you more about your goals and how I can help you accomplish them!

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.”



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Let’s Chat!

I can’t wait to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or if you’re interested in learning more about Natural Path Nutrition. I’ll be in touch soon!